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How can I cancel my Premium membership?

Here's how to cancel your Premium membership.

Updated over 2 months ago

Steps to Cancel Your Premium Membership

If you wish to cancel your membership and avoid the charge for the next period, follow these steps:

  1. Open the DolarApp app:

    • Go to the ‘Premium’ tab at the bottom of the screen.

  2. Access the settings:

    • Tap the ‘Settings’ button in the top right corner.

  3. Edit your plan:

    • In the ‘Your Plan’ section, you’ll find an edit button on the right side.

  4. End your membership:

    • Select the option ‘End Membership’ and confirm your decision.

Important Information About Cancellation

The billing process for the next period begins 24 hours before the new period starts. If we are unable to process the payment, your membership will automatically end.

Rewards and benefits: Even if you cancel your membership, you will continue to enjoy all Premium benefits until the paid period ends.

Do you have questions or comments?

If you need more information or have issues canceling your membership, contact us:

  • In-app chat: Available from the Profile section.

  • Email: Write to us at

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